Energy Oasis near a Capital of the West


Driving up to Plainfield Elementary in Woodland, CA on a fall day was like driving into an energy oasis in the middle of agricultural heartland. The earth surrounding the school had been tilled awaiting the next set of crops, but in the middle of plots of land, an elementary school was sewing different seeds within the hearts, minds, and souls of their students: a new solar seed and the structure for a greenhouse had sprung up almost overnight with the support of the PG&E Solar Schools Program…but we know the school has been cultivating their garden for many years. We were there to celebrate their latest additions, and look forward to the future.

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Principal Barajas spoke with passion and conviction as she discussed her school’s vision, and her team of wonderful teachers, parents, and community members that sustain the efforts of Plainfield Elementary- a “Small School” with “Big Expectations”… Nancy McFadden, Vice President of Governmental Relations spoke on behalf of PG&E, and recognized the true solar champions of Woodland. Plainfield students created and recited essays in their own words, and we all had a sense of what this school and students would continue to create. After the event, we walked over to Plainfield’s inner garden where sun tea, solar cookies, and a bevy of plants and students greeted us. We expect to continue to have our own expectations exceeded, and we look forward to the next set of crops.


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